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The Tremendous Prospect of Imagination.

 What is Imagination?
It is the power of our mind to form an image or assemble the events or objects that in reality do not prevail or are not existing. 

        Human beings are empowered with the ability of Imagination. Numerous people have a different extent of the ability of imagination. In some cases, it is highly advanced whereas in some cases it is somewhat in a softer manner. We all practice the imagination a few times before, whenever we are thinking of getting ready for a function or for a celebration or for just to roam somewhere with friends or for a conference meeting and many more. To know how essential it is to alert ourselves for the mind, click here-  Being cautious about the mind is so Essential. 

        A lot of our mental distress and difficulties in maintaining the mind that arises from our habitual wrong use of this ability. It is an ordinary method with many of us to satisfy in what is called emotional kite-flying, day-dreaming, and meaningless and purposeless speculation of several sorts. Our fears may be baseless, but they cause genuine nervousness to our hearts. Through exercising our capacity of imagination we make unreal things real for ourselves and we become victims of worries and concerns for which there is no factual basis. Sometimes we may not even be conscious of the fact that for a good part of our day we live in a dreamland, in a world of shadows and not in that of truth and facts. Unless we get rid of this habit we shall find it extremely hard to control the mind.  Hence we should really take care of our mind and ultimately of our health.   
        This is the strength that can remake you as a human being. If you do not learn how to make images in your control then maybe you are ruining your life and not having the one which you were wishing for BUT if you learn to control the imagination then you can literally achieve anything and everything that your heart desires for!
Because it is always BEST to Live your Dreams in real life rather than living those moments in your imagination. 

Why controlling thoughts is crucial?

  • Imaginations are what that makes us; so always take care of what you imagine or think. Words are always secondary. Thoughts are primary so they should be chosen wisely. 
  • Each thought we think is colored with our character so that for the moral person, even his misuse will have the mess of his own devotion or love or purity and do fair.
  •  Our imagination is what gives us inner peace.

How to control our thoughts?

  • Initially let me clear one thing that is there is not going to be a thoughtless state. But yes, one can surely reduce the number of thoughts that cross our minds. 
  • First of all, try avoiding bad or wrong thoughts and develop the habit of imagining the good or positive thoughts.
  •  And the only way to win over your bad thoughts is to review from duration to duration that what is evil to you and then to develop all that is satisfactory. 
  • It is also true that the food that we intake must be pure. If it is impure, so will our thought be. 
  • Repetition of the Gayatri mantra and religious mantra 'Om' helps in monitoring your imagination in a basic way. Repetition will help in vanishing the mental and emotional and physical barriers. 


So, We need the right imagination power to remove the wrong ones and to have a positive, satisfying, successful, and joyful life ahead. 
In fact, it doesn't mean that we have to suppress our thoughts and imagination but instead, we just need mastery of it. 

Thank you!


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