By which way can we avoid this destruction? We can do it by completely analyzing our concept and by working on it for its betterment. Because every minute is only for this minute. And our present attention to our task is going to decide our future.
Human beings have an outstanding potential to store wisdom and use logical methods to develop. So, whatever and wherever the situation may arise, we must survive positively. And make sure that we do not depend on instincts driven by sentiments especially worry or anger. It is absolutely being stupid to concern about the future while allowing our demon thoughts to vanquish the present. And Everyone has to face this problem as everyone has a negative voice inside the head. And these voices are much louder than any other. These voices are sometimes hiding in our subconscious mind and sometimes these are in front of us. And we have to face it. If u have noticed, it is mostly experienced at night, because voices are louder in dark. As during day time, we are busy with work or surrounded by family or friends, etc which keeps us busy at day time. But we should distract ourselves from the negative voices which are trying to surround ourselves. We must silent these sounds and try keeping our mind cool and calm. Everything that happens to us is normal and a part of our life so let us Cherish everything that we have to face and try over-coming it happily.
How can you improve the stability of your mind?
Basic yoga says that in order to maintain the state of mind, we human beings have to implement the disciplines. The idea of maintaining the practice of yoga is to keep the goal always prior and brighter so that our inner capacity grows by our efforts.
Patanjali, the enormous lecturer of yoga has once said :
The peaceful stillness of mind is achieved by developing-
1) Prosperity in the good.
2) Lethargy to an evil.
3) Compassionate for the sad people.
1) Prosperity in the good:
The tendency of being in a good mental state and being delighted at the joy of others establishes a very good mental situation in which bad or wrong or negative thoughts like jealously do not flourish. Our prosperity must be in the good. When we take it the good the psychological law says that we invite the good and the additional qualities of the good. Being good and kind is so important as it is a helping factor to bring the calmness of mind.
2) Lethargy to an evil:
Usually, many of us live in the tendency of not being good to the one who is wrong or bad to us. But we must not treat such people's in a different way. I agree it is not that easy to stay with such people or change there state of mind and opinions. But in the end, there is always happiness in doing things which are harder so at least we should try doing it. We are not only doing it for the person but we are also doing it for our well being, for our good mental state. We can pray for good for such evils. This will benefit both, us and them as well.
3)Compassionate for the sad people:
Being passionate about the one who is not happy is one of the ways through which you can keep your mind in a peaceful condition as helping others gives us pleasure. It is a kind of service to the annoyed. It gives us inner happiness. Even if we are in our bad conditions, there will be someone or the other around us who will be in more bad conditions than us so helping such needy ones is definitely going to build happiness within us. The prayers and the blessings that the person will shower to you is going to make you feel better and surround you with all the positivity.
And also, Our attachments play a vital role in controlling our minds. When these attachments are eliminated, misconceptions and all the fantasies will also leave us.
With all such inner adaptations, one can surely get a better result of good company and everything else that will help and make possible in controlling the state of mind.
The way of being happy in life is quite simple: to be a good person, to be a helper, to be a supporter of a needy person, and to be a caretaker. It will help us to Be Happy and Stay Positive which will ultimately restrain our mind free from demon thoughts thus making us and our life both Best than earlier.
Resting our mind is most important thing to do.. well explained ♥️