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Aspects you need to know about Cancer.

Several amongst us lack the knowledge of cancer so here are some important points and aspects related to cancer, which we all must know. 

What does cancer mean?

Cancer is a union of more than 100 cells. It can be developed when the regular control mechanism gets ceased to help. The boost in cell number eventually increases the mass of tissues which altogether is known as a TUMOR. 
Cancer is also called as Malignancy. It involves abnormal cell growth and it has tremendous energy to become a cancerous cell.

What is the existing scenario of Cancer?

  • India had around 1.16 million Cancer cases in the year 2018 and the number is boosting day by day. Around 7 Lakh people died because of cancer in 2018.
  • According to WHO, one out of every 10 people is prone to develop cancer throughout their lifetime in India.
  • According to surveys, it has been found that males are more prone to cancer than females. 
  • In males, the Death ratio is 196/10000.
  • In females, the Death ratio is 138/10000. 
What is the growth of cancer in the upcoming years?

The rate of growth of cancer patients as of 2018 was of 26 years and now it is been figured out that the increase in the number of patients could be faster in forthcoming years. But because of advanced medical technologies, the mortality rate may get lowered. 

How can we get affected by these dangerous diseases cancer?

It depends on the following factors too-
1. Gender and Age.
2. Life style-Smoke, tobacco, alcohol, food.
3. Exposure to UV radiation. 
4. Due to chemicals and radioactive.

1. How are our Gender and Age-related to cancer?

  • Gender- Cancer is caused equally in both genders that are males as well as females. 
  • Age- It is one of the vastly researched hazardous factors. It can expand more with the age but it is usually seen in teenagers at a larger quantity. Grown-ups having lengthiest longevity are slighter in quantity to get prone to cancer. It mostly concentrates on the age ranging between 40-60 years. This age is an erratic example of midlife. 

2. Can our daily Lifestyle affect our body?

How can smoking lead us to deadly cancer?
  •  Cigarettes, cigars, and all other kinds of smokeless tobacco, all-cause cancer. In fact, these are the only once which kill maximum people more than alcohol and HIV. 
  • Smokers die earlier compared to nonsmokers. And it is usually observed in youngsters. 
  • It not only causes cancer but also damages nearly every organ of our body such as mouth, throat, bones, heart, lungs, etc.. Among these, lung cancer is in a high head.

How does smoking damage our lungs?
  • It damages our airways but it does not show the effect immediately. It takes a long time to come into notice.

How does the intake of Alcohol decide your type of cancer?
  •  It usually causes mouth, throat, colon, or rectum cancer.
  •  The lesser you drink, the safer you are. 

What are the links between the Food that we administer and cancer? 
  •  Any food material that we eat has both sides, it can either increase or decrease the risk of Cancer. 
  •  Its effect can vary according to the quantity of the food that we intake.
  •  The cruciferous vegetables that help in decreasing the risk of cancer are 
           A. Cabbage
           B. Cauliflower
           C. Brussels sprouts
  • According to the higher studies, it has been concluded that in taking these food substances can prevent us from Throat, Neck, Stomach, and Esophageal cancer.
  • Also the dietary fibers such as whole grain bread or pasta, vegetables, fruits, beans, pulses, corn, Kamut, etc help in the nourishment of the microbes which are living in our Digestive Tract. 

3. What happens when we get uncovered connections with rays of sunlight? 

  •  It has strong UV radiation which can cause Skin Cancer. Normally observed in basal and squamous cell cancer (these are the two layers of skin). 
  •  The radiations harm the genetic material(DNA)in your skin cells. It brings in a larger number of boost in cancerous cells thus causing skin cancer.
  • Avoid direct exposure to UV radiation.

4. Which chemicals or radioactive damage to our cells?

  •  Chemicals such as Benzene, Vinyl chloride, Arsenic, etc can lead to cancerous cells. These are called as a human carcinogen.
  • A Radioactive:-Iodine 131 can cause Thyroid cancer.

10 Signs that tell us about Cancer:

1. Unexplained weight loss
2. Fatigue
3. The obstacle to eating up
4. Shortness of breath
5. Mouth ulcer
6. Persistent cough
7. Unknowing reason for distress 
8. Bloating due to large meal
9. Sipping carbonated beverages
10. Constipation

Home Remedies to lessen the threat of cancer-

1. Avoid stronger sun rays. Cover your body properly before going under sunlight.

2. Avoid eating tobacco. Consult your doctor to stop smoking derivatives.

3. Have a healthy and balanced diet. Have vegetables and fruits regularly. Intake a limited amount of processed meats. 

4. Avoid being an Obese person.

5. Keep a watch on your physical fitness- Implement Meditation, Yoga, and some physical activities such as running, jump rope, etc. Give at least half an hour per day, and if more than 30minutes, then it is much better for you to gain health benefits.

6. Annually body checkup.

So, remember all the mentioned points above and apply it in your daily routine life. 

Thank you! 


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